Here's a historical photo of all the
personnel on Hobsonville RNZAF airbase 1940 - when Europe
was in chaos,
the Battle of Britain was at its most crucial...and
before the attack on Pearl Harbour.
All the Commonwealth countries were contributing to the
defence against a possible invasion of Britain.
With over 600 RNZAF personnel in this
photo, it will have links to numerous families from many
of New Zealand...rural, town and city. The photographer:
COXON - Auckland. Photo supplied by Doug Black of Napier.
Many of the people in this photo went on
to various bases and squadrons in the UK, North Africa,
India, Singapore,etc.
Others were to serve later in the Pacific area, alongside
American and RAAF squadrons...
or became instructors within NZ. Some eventually returned
safely to New Zealand.
Others were sadly lost, carrying out duties they were
required to perform.
Lest We Forget.
Training Corps No.13 Squadron

Football Team 1942.

Nelson Park School 1942.
Training Corps 2005...
Many regular RNZAF personnel
began their Airforce careers from the ATC (cadet
set up early WW2, and still preparing youngsters
with "all round" training for any
eventuality they may later encounter as
civilians,or as service personnel,
in the worlds - now many - "hot
We have two ATC squadrons in Hawkes Bay..
No 11 in Hastings and No 13 in Napier.
We welcome any photos of cadets - past or present
for inclusion on this service site.
Mrs. Williams of Napier has
donated this little group of photos .Her late
husband had acquired them
during his time in the RNZAF. whilst serving with
No.14 Squadron in South-East Asia.
No.14 Squadron was operating CANBERRA B (1s)
based at Ohakea.
They regularly deployed to bases in Oz, Fiji and
south-east, flying in joint exercises with the
line up during
Bersatu pad exercises
June/July 1970.
RNZAF Canberra on take-off.
Tengah June 1970.
Sqdrn Phantoms.
Canberra NZ-6105
A4 operating from
HMS Melbourne. Tengah June 1970
Lockheed C130 XV208
48 Squadron. Based Singapore.
With the
decommission of HMS Melbourne, ten ex
Royal Australian Navy A4 Skyhawks
were purchased by the NZ Government,
(1984). These were based at the
Royal Australian Naval Air Station,
Nowra, NSW, lending strength to the ANZUS
Alliance at that time.
drome - about 1933. The RNZAF were fairly regular
visitors to the
Napier Aero Club from 1933 on, as they are today.
This DH 60, one of three that entered service in
1929, could either be NZ-871B or
NZ-873C as all the 'chaps' have blocked off the
ID. |
visitor, (about 1933), was this Puss Moth RNZAF
2125. It had quite a history...
a Miss Aroha Clifford
purchased it in the UK, (originally G-ABHC) and
shipped it to NZ
in 1931. It crashed on its first flight here,
repaired and sold to the RNZAF.
It was later sold to the Southland Aero Club as
ZK-AEV. Along came WW2 and was
impressed back to the airforce and became NZ-590.
Crashed and destroyed about 1944/5.

There is a
move to
change our flag!!
Click the
flag to read a little poem
which has been circulating NZ
via the RSA.